So you want more clients without all the marketing overwhelm?

Streamline your path to sales with this Small Daily Action Client Connection System: A 5-Day Repeatable System for Creating New Connections and Growing Your Business. 

On less than 15 Minutes a Day!




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Are you ready to Create Consistency in Your Business and Effortlessly Draw in Clients?


I see you want more clients, but without worrying about wasting more time and energy on the wrong things. want to be earning NOW and not in some distant future


... you don't wan't want to be spending weeks or months building out complicated marketing funnels, not knowing if it's even going to work.


Let's free you from the marketing overwhelm with this Simple 5-Day System you can put on repeat and truly take the guess-work out of knowing what to do every day to gain clients in your business! 


  • A 5-day repeatable, organic online marketing system for creating new connections and growing your business.
  • A simple weekly content calendar and follow-up system for growing your business without obsessing over what to post.
  • You will EXPERIENCE that it doesn’t take a lot of over-complicated stuff to build your business.


  • This is a basic process that you can make your own by designing it in a way that fits your life and your business.
  • You will walk away more grounded in the fundamentals of the daily actions to build your business.
  • By implementing this 5 day repeatable system, a typical result my clients see is 2-3 new clients coming into their business within about 3 weeks on average.

Because when you consistently do to the daily work, and focus on the fundamentals your business WILL  grow!


Bonus Training Topics Inside

  • 8 Simple Weekly Strategy Guidelines
  • How to structure a value or blog-style post!
  • How to structure a Live stream video!
  • Creative ways of following up to nurture connections!
  • How to do research business in other groups!
  • 8 Benefits of Connecting in Other Groups
  • The 10-Hour Business Week©
    Roadmap: Designing and Growing Your Business 

BONUS:  10-Hour Business Week© Simple Business Plan Template 

âś… Fill in the Blanks Template to Plan your 10-Hour Business Week.

âś… Weekly, Monthly& Quarterly Action Planning Calendar

âś… One Simple Funnel Template

Testimonials ... here's what others are saying ...

In the last 24 hours I got 3 women to sign up for coffee chats... all by following your plan and shifting the focus on what they can have (end result) instead of what they were coming with. 

- Rose King,Yoga and Life Coaching

Jen, really helped me focus in on what I should be doing daily to market my business. I learned that I can do something that I can use on a repeatable basis to keep me on track and moving toward my revenue goals. 

  - Amanda Wyatt, Content Manager & Consultant

Hi, I'm Jen!

I have been teaching business fundamentals for over a decade now. What I know, is that some things haven't changed.

But in this online world, we can get so distracted by all the bells and whistles. We spend too much time getting stuck on our home page or struggling with what to post... instead of actually asking for sales.

We are also busier. And for me, fast forward, I am a single mom with a 9-year-old. (read: busy and lot's of competing responsibilities)

I knew that creating a simple and sustainable business that could earn a consistent income was key to getting what I needed for me, my family and for my business to succeed long term. But I also, fell "victim" to learning all the marketing strategies and tech tools and then taking course, after course... you know that drill! (And if you don't yet, phew!)

So I create simple frameworks that get back to business fundamentals that incorporates simple online marketing strategies to help you skip ahead and navigate all the noise. Since completing my MBA in 2009, I've been sharing everything I've learned and continue to learn, with YOU through simple business frameworks like How to Thrive on a 10 Hour Business Week and the Simple Business Plan Template + Guide  and The 4-phases of the Heart-Centered Sales Conversation and my cornerstone offering: Simple Business Design Private Coaching Intensives!

I've been putting a pretty bow, on my last decade of coaching solo entrepreneurs... just for you, online coaches and entrepreneurs who want to share their expertise with the world... in a well-compensated way.

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