What if you could... 


Design the Right Business

✔️ Right Audience, Offer, Price Point
✔️ Consistent Client Connections
✔️ Fun, Energizing & Sustainable
✔️ In Alignment with YOU and Your Goals!

So That You Can Spend More Time Creating the Life That You Love?


What if for 30 Days, we could work together to design your own unique Simple Business Plan with a Repeatable Action Plan, using strategies and tactics you'll love! 

We'll even test & refine its execution, so that you can confidently, and consistently grow your business...

...all on  a 10-Hour Business Week?

Are you interested in finding out more about HOW we can work together? Let's connect for a quick chat!

I see you...  You want more clients  and without wasting time and energy on the wrong  things... You want to see a return on your efforts!

AND, you want to build something that is in alignment with your lifestyle goals.

If you're like most, you want to be earning (and living) now, not in some distant future! 


I hear you saying...

..."I fear that investing so much money and time into my business won't pay off. I spent a half day on my website instead of with my family, worrying it won't bring in any income."

..."I struggle to balance my business with my day job and other priorities, unsure how to manage it all effectively."

..."There's never enough time in the day, especially with small children who don't understand that "Mommy is working".

..."At 3 am, I find myself awake, worrying about my business and at the same time, if I'm neglecting my family."

... "I have an expertise to share but I don’t know how to make it into a business and get paid for it."

..."My current struggle is figuring out what services to offer, how to deliver them, and what to charge. I'm debating whether to create a course."

..."I worry that I'll be a disappointment to my husband if I fail. I've been using our financial resources to help others... I want to contribute."

..."Oh the judgement… of stopping and starting and re-defining it and switching it up…" 


Many aspiring coaches find themselves juggling their business dreams with the demands of everyday life, wondering if they'll ever strike the right balance of success AND happiness.


What if you could have this instead:

A coaching business that brings joy, fulfillment, and lightness to your life.

âś” A clear roadmap from where you are to where you want to be.

âś” The energy and confidence to consistently pursue your dreams wholeheartedly with a knowing your moving in the right direction.

✔ Freedom away from reliance on the 9-5 and toward your desired future for you and your family. 

âś” The fastest path to profitability and financial success from the start.

It's not just about the business. It's about what it would mean.

Its more than just an online coaching business. It's about what you can achieve for your family, your life and your well-being, and the well-being of those around you.


It's about creating a business that allows you to focus on what matters most while making a difference in the lives of others.

Continue on your journey... by using MORE of my Simple Business Frameworks: A 10-Hour Business Week Approach to Productivity, so that you can Design, Build and Grow an Online Education Business that is in alignment with your unique business, income and lifestyle goals.


Simple Business Design Intensives!


 With private 1:1 Coaching and Implementation Support, this is your Fast Track to Launching your Online Coaching & Education Business!  


In just 30 days, using my Simple Business Design Frameworks: A 10-Hour Business Week Approach to Productivity,  so that you can Design, Build and Grow Your Online Coaching & Education Business to work for you AND your business!


The Promise: We'll work together to design your Simple Business Plan. We co-create your unique repeatable action plan, with strategies and tactics you'll love, and we'll even test & refine its execution, so that you can consistently grow your business... on just 10-Hours a Week. 


Nothing will work for you, if you don't take action!

Stop spinning your wheels, get into alignment with your income, business and lifestyle goals and finally get the CLARITY on HOW you will actually grow your business... within 30 days!



By working together over a period of one month (or less!) we co-create:

âś… a simple business plan,

âś… a strategic marketing plan using one simple funnel,

âś… a daily routine that aligns your business and income goals,

âś… a productivity system for managing your calendar and staying consistent, and

âś… a streamlined approach to enrolling clients

✅  Crash course in Heart-Centered Sales Conversations so that you can make sales right away. 

You'll walk away with a solid action plan that is in alignment with your income, business and lifestyle goals.


 ➡ Up to 4 intensive hours of 1 on 1 (two separate sessions)

➡ Full Voice Message Support in between calls (up to 30 Days)

➡ Deep dive on any 1 or 2 topics in the 2nd two-hour Session 

➡ The e-book How to Thrive on a 10-Hour Business Week: The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Business, a Step by Step Workbook.


Book a 15 Min Chat!

If this sounds great to you and you are curious about what it might be like to work with me if I were your business coach and you need help with designing your ideal business, with implementation or accountability complete this form to connect with me for a quick & relaxed connection call!

All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Online Business

Simple Business Plan

Because your business should not be complicated. If you can keep it tight, it will feel light!

One Simple Funnel

To tame the marketing overwhelm with a simple funnel and a focus on one main offer.

A Daily Routine

So that you know what your doing daily, 5 days a week, to take out the guess work of what to focus on!

Productivity System

To help you stay consistent, build self-confidence while you create the know-like-trust with your audience.

Client On-boarding

Client on-boarding is part of your sales process and helps your clients achieve their transformation.

Heart-Centred Sales

A bit more advanced, but a crash course will help you bring clients into your business!

What Other's Are Saying...

After working with Jen I had a clear direction with a simple action plan that was easy to implement. I knew exactly what to do and didn't have to worry about what to do when. Jen is very generous with her time and energy. She is very action oriented and at the same time will meet you exactly where you are at. I truly enjoyed working with her and would hire her again.

- Lisbeth Savard, Women's Wisdom Moon Circles

When I read your ebook for the 1st time, I was blown away by how clear, succinct and power-packed it is. While many of these things are taught by others, you pulled the information together seamlessly to walk people through some of the most important decisions they can make as they start out in their online business.
- Deanne Welsh, Author, Writing Coach

Going through this the 10-Hour Business Week intensive with Jen, really helped me focus in on what I should be doing daily to market my business.
This ebook is great because it's something that I can use on a repeatable basis to keep me on track and moving toward my revenue goals. 

- Amanda Wyatt, Content Manager & Consultant


What makes Jen stand out from other business coaches is she takes the time to really ensure her teachings are working for your business. I did a 2.5 hour coaching intensive with Jen resulting in me achieving my goals that I set-out for in my business. I strongly recommend working with Jen.

- Amanda Joy Gill, NLP Certified Life Coach

Simple Business Design Intensives

This is a hands-on coaching experience with implementation support. Together we co-create your business plan, strategies and tactics and test its execution to so that you truly create a simple business and a life you love!

Right now I am accepting applications for Private Coaching Intensives taking clients on a limited basis at 1 to 2 Private Coaching clients each month.

To see if we are match, we start with a Relaxed 15 Minute Chat!

If this sounds great to you and you are open to seeing how we can work together if you were to hire me as your business coach,  complete this form to connect with me for a quick & relaxed chat to see if we're a match!

Hi, I'm Jen!

I have been teaching business fundamentals for over a decade now. What I know, is that some things haven't changed.

But in this online world, we can get so distracted by all the bells and whistles. We spend too much time getting stuck on our home page or struggling with what to post... instead of actually asking for sales.

We are also busier. And for me, fast forward, I am a single mom with a 9-year-old. (read: busy and lot's of competing responsibilities)

I knew that creating a simple and sustainable business that could earn a consistent income was key to getting what I needed for me, my family and for my business to succeed long term. But I also, fell "victim" to learning all the marketing strategies and tech tools and then taking course, after course... you know that drill! (And if you don't yet, phew!)

So I create simple frameworks that get back to business fundamentals that incorporates simple online marketing strategies to help you skip ahead and navigate all the noise. Since completing my MBA in 2009, I've been sharing everything I've learned and continue to learn, with YOU through simple business frameworks like How to Thrive on a 10 Hour Business Week and the Instant Freedom Business Planning System and The 4-phases of the Heart-Centered Sales Conversation and my cornerstone offering: Simple Business Design Private Coaching Intensives!

I've been putting a pretty bow, on my last decade of coaching solo entrepreneurs... just for you, online coaches and entrepreneurs who want to share their expertise with the world... in a well-compensated way.

Jennifer's Business Coaching Bio:
Jennifer Cottes is an entrepreneur, performance coach, keynote speaker, published author and host of the Success on Purpose Podcast. As an MBA Graduate, Executive Management, Specialization in Leadership Development and G.R.O.W. Model coaching method, Royal Roads University, she has over 20 years professional and entrepreneurial experience. She offers her clients  key frameworks that have been simplified and refined to teach business fundamentals that work. Jennifer's business coaching credentials include a Coaching Certification with Jeffery Combs', Coaching Certification Program, with Golden Mastermind Seminars, masters level training in the G.R.O.W. Model*, 13 years experience as an online Coach to hundreds of clients with a focus on new and emerging entrepreneurs and coaches creating a simple business and a life they love. She follows the International Coaching Federation Code of Ethics. 

Jennifer is also a proud single mom, triathlete and leadership development specialist. Her work in creating a database of entrepreneurship best practices and global network has been endorsed by individuals such as Bill Clinton.

For more information visit https://www.jencottes.com/ or email [email protected]

*The GROW Model was created by our co-founder Sir John Whitmore and colleagues in the late 1980s. It has since become the world’s most popular coaching model for problem solving, goal setting and performance improvement.